Professeur associé

Vice-Doyen de la Faculté des Science et Technologie appliquées (FSTA) Spécialités : Génie électrique, Systèmes de transport intelligents (STI) et mathématiques appliquées Adresse : Ulpgl/Goma, Campus Salomon, Bâtiment FSTA, Rez-de-chaussée, Bureau R1


1. J.C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya, N. A. Akwir, « An Efficient, Scalable, and Robust Neuro-Processor-Based Concept for Solving Single-Cycle Traveling Salesman Problems in Complex and Dynamically Reconfigurable Graph Networks »,

in IEEE Access, Vol.8, p: 42297–42324, ISSN: 2169-3536; February 2020.

2. N. A. Akwir, J.C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya, « Neural-Network-Based Calibration of Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models »,

in Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization, Springer, 2017.

3. N.A. Akwir, J.C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya, « A Survey of traffic flow modelling: Pros and Cons of traditional models »,

in 10th GI Conference Autonomous Systems 2017, Mallorca, spain.

4. N.A. Akwir, J.C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya, et al., « A Fully Neurocomputing (Cellular Neural Network) Based Realistic Traffic Model (One Lane + Ramp Metering) »,

in 11th GI Conference Autonomous Systems 2018, Mallorca, Spain.

5. Nkiediel Alain Akwir, Muhindo Kule Mutengi, Witesyavwirwa Vianney Kambale, Jean Chamberlain Chedjou, and Kyandoghere Kyamakya,“Graph Theoretical Problems in Traffic Management – A Brief Survey,”

in 11th GI Conference Autonomous Systems 2018, Mallorca, Spain.

6. “Identification of filter Types by Bifurcation Analysis: Mathematical modelling and Numerical Simulation.”;

GI Conference Autonomous Systems 2016; Mallorca, Spain.

7. “Cellular Neural Networks Based Emulation of Analog Filters: Theory and Design Principle.”;

GI Conference Autonomous Systems 2015; Mallorca, Spain.

8. “Cellular Neural Networks Based Emulation of Analog Filters: selected applications”;

GI Conference Autonomous Systems 2015; Mallorca, Spain.

9. “Traffic Characteristics on Highway: Bifurcation Analysis and Basins of Attraction”

Fourth International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronisation – INDS’15; Klagenfurt , Austria.

10. “Traffic flow simulation: Comparison Between Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Method of lines (MOL)” ;

XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering -ISTET’15; Kolobrzeg, Poland.

11. « Dynamic Optimization and CNN-Based Solving of PDEs And ODEs ”;

XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering -ISTET’15; Kolobrzeg, Poland.

12. “On transforming Graph-theoretical Problems into Ordinary Differential Equations”;

Autonomous Systems 2014; Mallorca, Spain.

Publications 1. J.C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya, N. A. Akwir, « An Efficient, Scalable, and Robust Neuro-Processor-Based Concept for Solving Single-Cycle Traveling Salesman Problems in Complex and Dynamically Reconfigurable Graph Networks », in IEEE Access, Vol.8, p: 42297–42324, ISSN: 2169-3536; February 2020. 2. N. A. Akwir, J.C. Chedjou, K. Kyamakya, « Neural-Network-Based Calibration of Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models », in […]