Before conducting any research, publication or any intervention related to human being, politics, economics, culture, environmental actions, it is recommended that the research or intervention be checked by an official Ethical committee, in order to avoid in advance the violation of ethical standards which can impact negatively people’s life as well as on politics, economics, health and environment .
In this line, in the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL Goma) an Ethical committee named Comité d’Ethique ULPGL GOMA (ULPGL ETHICAL COMMITTEE) has been officially created, in 2005, to be in charge of ethical review or examination of this kind of research.
Objectives of the Ethical committee
- To ensure that all research, actions or publications respect the ethical standards in all its stages of implementation
- To check sensitive ethical issues in process of data collection and treatment
- To provide ethical orientation to the researcher in order to avoid violation of human rights and other sensitive issues related to local culture, environment, animals, water, land, natural resources.
- To suggest ethical alternatives to the searcher.
Therefore, proposals have to be submitted to the committee before implementation or conducting research, survey, actions ,in the fields or among communities, or prior to the publications
Required steps and elements for Ethical Approval
- Name of Researcher or intervening institution
- School (The school where he/she is enrolled (for student)
School Address
- Title of research
- Purpose of the research or intervention
- Submission of the full proposal which includes:
- Title
- Objective
- Place
- Methodology for Data collection, documentation (images, what kind of images and how to documents)
- Questionnaire
- Guide of interview
- Respondents (Individuals or communities)
- The Ethical Committee will carefully read those elements and each member submit his feedback to the coordinator of the Ethical Committee for compilation.
- The researcher will be invited by the coordinator in a meeting with the members of ethical committee for exchange on the feedback for further improvement. This can also be done by the means of new technology like internet, twitter, Skype, and others.
- An approval official letter will be given to the researcher to testify that the proposal has been checked by the Ethical Committee (it will include the basic ethical observations to be taken into account during the work or research or intervention).
Who should contact the Ethical Committee?
Any researcher, action researcher, Ph.D. researcher, writer, humanitarian institution, private or public, religious institutions, individuals, in various domains
Members of the ULPGL Comité d’Ethique
This ULPGL Ethical Committee is composed by the following members:
- Dr. MUTEHO KASONGO MARINA ( Major in Social Ethics)
- Dr. NGAYIHEMBAKO MUTAHINGA Samuel (Theology, major in New Testament)
- Dr. KAMBALE KARAFULI Léopold ( Public Health and Public Administration)
- Dr. WASSO MISSONA (Law / Droit Public)
- Dr. KAMBALE MBAKULIRAHI (Monetary Economics) (New proposed member)
Please contact:
Phone: (+243) 850200554